hi @andiogie ,
Data can be uploaded from postman client as mime data.
Please refer the below article where i have talked about how the data can be sent as attachment using postman client.
hi @andiogie,
We can create the flow service on the on prem IS with same steps what we have created in the cloud.
For your reference I just dragged the couple of steps on onprem IS.
PFB the screenshot for same.
Did you read the document linked by @Vikash_Sharma1 ? If not please read the documentation first because there is already a good example in the documentation.
Thanks @engin_arlak and @Vikas_Sharma1 . i created this services based on document sampling
but i want to ask how to insert string using fileattachment based on image below?
By the way are you trying to call an external service which has a file as parameter or are you trying to expose an Integration Server service which you can call using postman? Your question is unclear. You might be doing something completely unrelated to your requirement.
when you send a file thru postman it comes across as following:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="FileName"; filename="filename.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
Here is your data
Dear All, i’m sorry about miss communication , and sorry for bad my english , this is sampling data and detail :
i confused about how to implement using webMethods , and output like this (example)
input using form-data , and Key sample-file , value get file from other files .
and copyfile to other path directory .
example : get file from explorer let says name : test-file.txt
Send using postman and output : copyfile to new directory : D:/
i tried to read any documentation or forum , but i still confused for implement.
please need help such as created sampling services based from your source .