How to get sample web-component files for UI customization

Hi All,

I am unable to find sample web-component files for 10.15 developer portal can anyone please help me to find it.

From the above image I am unable to find the path that mentioned in documentation.

to customize SignUp page like when u input countryName we should get countryCode in phoneNumber section.



You can get web-components sample on SAG Github here : webmethods-developer-portal/samples at main · SoftwareAG/webmethods-developer-portal · GitHub

Best regars,


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You need to include samples during installation to have them in that directory. I presume you replaced SAGInstallDir with your main installation directory. If not it is usually c:\SoftwareAG in windows and /opt/sag or /opt/softwareag on linux or in SAG user’s home directory. You can instead download them from github as mentioned above.

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Thanks Guys,

That really helped us to create a custom SignUp page for user and but one more problem encountered here
Problem: When user sending below details to wM Dev Portal 10.15 all the details are saving in his profile but the real issues are:

  1. User unable to edit additional attributes
  2. Admin also unable to edit additional attributes

Kindly, suggest is there any option to do that

Thank you.

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