How to find the author of a VR?


we would like to keep track of who made what changes to what content. Actually I believe that TWS314 keeps track in the version history and I would like to visualize this information on the client.
For this I read the DAV:creator-displayname property on the VR. The property exists but is always empty although I enabled authentication by entering account information in tomcat-users.xml

and adjusting web.xml.

I understand that the security functionality is not yet available and I believe this may be the cause.

Tell me that this is the right approach and will work with the ACL-enabled version and I am happy :slight_smile:
If not, is it possible and how to do it?

I’m sorry if you feel bothered prematurely. But once ACL becomes available my schedule will soon thighten up (as yours currently does I guess :slight_smile:
Therefore I would like to know if I am on track with my approach.

Thanks for your help

Hi Guido,

you are right! The next version of TWS will support security and the property DAV:creator-displayname of VRs will automatically contain the authenticated user.

Of course, as TWS is based on the Apache/Jakarta products Tomcat and Slide, you could activate one of the available realm implementations (UserDatabaseRealm or SlideRealm) to obtain authentication - but it may become a bit tricky. Please refer to either the Tomcat documentation at or the Slide mailing list at (archive at The TWS-specific realm implementation will be available with the next release and will be easy to configure.
