how to delete used process?


Now we’re using wm71 with MWS.

is there any solution to delete used process?

please advice

Try Archive and Delete the process instead just Deleting the process…

But, how do you archive?

Oh, I got it. It’s in the “Getting_Started_with_Business_Process_Management_7_1.pdf”. Search for “Delete unused”.

In detail,
select * from analysis7.bam_pt_process_meta where process_name = ‘%YourProcessName%’

To find the process you want to delete.

if it can, could you explain more detail?

I found Delete unused. but there is no solution.

how to delete used process? could you explain more detail?

Did you try

delete from analysis7.bam_pt_process_meta where process_meta_id = (select process_meta_id from analysis7.bam_pt_process_meta where process_name =‘%YourProcessName%’)

After this, you should refresh your browser.

I would recommend, using the Data Managment → Archive link in MWS to remove or archive used process instances.

For deleting a used process; we have first delete the whole instances that were completed/started or in any status of that particular process. This can be achived by using the below scripts.

Delete from wmprocessassoc where rootcontextid in(
Select b.Rootcontextid from wmprocessassoc b,wmprocess a
a.rootcontextid=b.rootcontextid and
a.processkey =‘SampleProject/Sample’)

delete from wmprocessrecent where processkey =‘SampleProject/Sample’

delete from wmprocessstep where rootcontextid in(
Select b.rootcontextid from wmprocessstep b,wmprocess a
a.rootcontextid=b.rootcontextid and
a.processkey =‘SampleProject/Sample’)

delete from wmprocess where processkey =‘SampleProject/Sample’

After running and commiting the above script in ur webMethods schema; Login to MWS as Administrator
Navigate to Administration>Business>BusinessProcess.
The process that is to be deleted(Sample) will have enabled check box.Click on the checkbox and click delete.!!

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When ever there is a update/modify/delete being done on a process model, to make the changes effective either restart the Server or reload WmPRT package manually.