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API Portal 10.7
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I’d like to change the title of an API Portal instance. By title I mean the title displayed on the browser tab, not the title on the main page. The default title is “webMethods API Portal” or some localized version of this. Is there any property key for customizing this? Unfortunately, I didn’t find a hint in the API Portal Customization Guide.
To change the title, change the property in the following file, [InstallDir]\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_s\base\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\config\apiportal\localization\plugin\base\base.properties
I noticed that the title still changes to some API Portal defaults when navigating e.g. to the API gallery. This can be solved by adjusting additional properties. The relevant file is <InstallDir>/API_Portal/server/bin/work/work_apiportalbundle_<size>/base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/config/apiportal/localization/views/views.properties and the properties to be changed are views.gallery.browserTabTitle.DBI etc., i. e. all properties that contain the name browserTabTitle.
This is a summary of post #4 and post #6 since the forum doesn’t support accepting multiple answers.
To change the tab title displayed by the browser, adjust the subsequently specified properties in the following files: <InstallDir>/API_Portal/server/bin/work/work_apiportalbundle_<size>/base/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/config/apiportal/localization/
etc. (all properties that contain the name browserTabTitle)
Additionally, adjust the language-specific translation files (e. g. base_de.properties) according to your needs.