Branding: Theming customization with webMethods API Portal

webMethods API Portal tutorial

The Theme Customization support with webMethods API Portal, added in 10.2 version, allows developers to customize the "Appearance" → "Customize" of different screens. The Theme Customization screen in self service customization(SSC) allows portal admins to tweak a theme's settings, color scheme.

How to create a theme

  • Log on to webMethods API Portal as a 'API Administrator' user.
  • From the user action menu, navigate to Administration view
  • In Administration view navigate to "Views" under "Customization" section
  • Create a new modification set by clicking Create.In the Create View dialog, provide the view name and select the template("apiportal"/"dracula") from the drop-down list.

Theming UI

"Customize font and color" section with self service customization UI provides option for an API Administrator to cofigure/customize the portal interface based on their needs. Some of the key properties that are available for theming customization are listed in below table.

Attribute Purpose
Primary color Theme color of the modification set
Color for content background Content background color of the portal
Color for sidebar background Background color for sidebar background
Color for generic background Background color of the portal
Color for control background Background color for controls like text box, text area, dropdown.
Title color Font color of the title text across the pages of portal.
Title font Font face of the title text across the pages of portal
Default color for text Default text color
Content text font Font face of the text across the pages of portal
Color for item links Color of the anchor links
Color for icons Icon color across the pages of the portal
Default button color Default button color - Secondary Button
Primary button color Primary button color

We have developed couple of color themes based on the "dracula" configuration sets releaesed in 10.3 version of API Portal. Please feel free to make use of it and have fun. (97 KB) (86.6 KB) (163 KB) (291 KB)