How to create Flat File Schema For .txt file contents?


How to create and process text file contents below.

Text file Contents-
|Sort criteria|Ascdg|Descnd|Subtotal|
|Group | X | | |
valid to 14.09.2016

|45 |56 |67 |
|78 |78 |90 |

Text file Content is flat file appended with additional data.

Can someone please suggest how to extract flat file from text file and process the same.

Best Regards

Bhavna Vasanth

sample data is not very clear. will you be able to upload file here?

Sample file is attached.

Flat file data is extracted now by skipping headers from file.

Any ideas on how to skip the additional line that is in end of file.

It appears in the extracted flat file records
sample.txt (311 Bytes)

Deleted extra document at the end using pub.document:deleteDocuments service .Topic is closed.

Thank you!

Bhavna Vasanth

Cool, you resolved issue by yourself. You proved self help is the best help :smiley:
