how to build webmethods test suite in jenkins

Hi All,

I created a junit test cases useing webMethods test suite and i would like to test and build this in jenkins, what are steps i need follow.

Please let me know.

Hi Vishnu,

can you describe your use case a bit more in detail please?


Hi Holger,

we are currently working on 9.12 and we developed junit test cases by useing webMethods test suite and my requirement is to build and test the junit test cases in jenkins so… am looking for Ant script to execute junit test cases in jenkins … and how i can arrange floder structure in SVN to run junit test cases. beacuase the packages has the webMethods services and juint test cases are in java project.

Hi Vishnu,

you can create a stub from Designer to invoke the service from a java program and then call this one in Jenkins.

Additionally you might want to check for JBehave Addon for Jenkins and Eclipse.

Another option might be to just invoke the service via http://server:port/invoke/path-to-junit-testservice?inputParameters via the HTML addon for Jenkins.
