How to Add an Image to the MWS Skin?

Howdy folks !

Im trying to add a corporate image to our new custom MWS Skin.

After you have logged in to MWS Home ( not Adminitration or Monitoring…but Home)At the very bottom where it says :

“Powered by webMethods”

I need to add an image.

How do I do that?

I know when customizing skins , you basically replace the current icons/images with new ones. But at this very spot, which is next to the powered by webMethods Image, there is no image.
So how do I add this image?

Your help and support is very much appreciated.

-Scooby Do0o0o0o0o0

Hi, you have to loggin in MWS like sysadmin, go to User Interface>Mask Administrator (something like that, I have MWS in spanish). There you can change or create the mask.

Yes I’ve done that part.You are referring to Skin Administration.
I have replaced all default webMethods Icons with the corporate Images/Icons.

My question is how do I add an Image where we do not already have an Image?

I’m asking about adding new Images at a spot/location where Nothing existed before.
I’m not talking about replacing current images/icons with new ones ( which we usually do when customizing skins in MWS)

I hope I clarified my issue.

Sorry for ma confussion, I understand now.
I never did that before. I’m sorry.

Thank you for trying to help.

Can anyone else help??

Hi Again, I can do, was not easy for me. I have to put a image called logoOptima.jpg, here my solution inside a DIV:
