How to access the IS OSGI console

Hello all,

I have been trying to access the OSGI console for the IS runtime (assuming there is such a thing included). Running the included org.eclipse.osgi_***.jar -console results in nothing. Adding the -console 0000 argument to the execution step in does open a port but the port is unresponsive. And there doesn’t seem to any reference in any documentation to this.

I am looking to install a number of additional bundles that I want to call from the Integration Server but without having to go through the Designer or Command Central (scripted installations).

Any suggestions are most welcome.


There is a way to deploy bundles in IS without using OSGi console. Deployment via console is not recommended nor supported approach. Please share more details about your use case, so we can recommend the best solution.

Hi Stoil

The use case is that there are components in our solution that are built in Java. Running these inside IS itself results in performance bottlenecks and library version conflicts. So the alternatives are to run it outside the SAG stack or as an OSGI bundle.

As the solution comes with a number of components or bundles, we’d want to deploy it from the command line using non-SAG DevOps tools (eg Chef or Puppet).

As SAG claims that IS runs as an OSGI container and Eclipse Equinox is the underlying stack, the console should be a logical tool to use for this?

Hope this gives you an impression of the use case.

Thanks, Christian

Yes, thanks.
Your approach is not officially supported. If you want to deploy bundles in IS runtime - you have to use Application Platform product. In addition - it comes with lots of features that will be of help when you are doing IS development.
