Is there any clean way to rename my Deployer projects name please ?
For better visiblity, I would need to add some prefixes to the existant names.
Is there any clean way to rename my Deployer projects name please ?
For better visiblity, I would need to add some prefixes to the existant names.
Hi Cedric,
I think you have hit something called Bad Luck.
As the Project Name is part of the name of the exported Build-File and is coded into several directories and filenames this will be at least very cumbersome.
You can explore the WmDeployer/persist/ and WmDeployer/pub/projects diretories for details about this.
Exported Builds can be found in WmDeployer/replicate/outbound, Builds for Import can be found in WmDeployer/replicate/inbound.
Thanks Holger… no problem… my names are not very good for Preproduction but for PRODUCTION, these are correct… so it not too much annoying.
Hi Cedric,
ideally the project names should not reference the environment at all.
More likely they should refer to which part of your application will be deployed.
After you have created the Deployment project from Dev, just deploy it to preprod and after testing is finished deploy it to production using a different map and deployment candidate.
In this case it is guaranteed that the same thing gets deployed to respective environments.
Otherwise you might catch up code changes from preprod (shouldn´t happen anyway, but who knows) which are not intended to be brought to production.
I can’t use the same project to deploy in Preproduction and then to production, because I have 2 Serveur Admin:
Hi Cedric,
where is/are Deployer installed?
On Preprod, Prod?
So just export your build from preprod admin and then import it to prod admin.
We are having 3 Deployer installations in our project:
1 on Test, 1 on QA and 1 on Prod
We create the project on Test for deploying from Dev to Test and then export the project build.
This epxorted project build will be handed over to the team which does the deployments on QA and Prod.
They will import the project build into the appropriate Deployer, create Map and Deployment Candidate and perform the deployment.
Additionally the QA and Prod reside in different LAN segments separated by firewalls from each other and from Dev/Test, so it is not possible to access the other environments. This is due to security constraints.
I have a Deployer installed on the Admin server Preprod. I use it to deploy from Dev to Preprod
I have another installed on the Admin server PROD. I use it to deploy from Preprod to Prod.
I never thought to export the Build from Preprod to import it directly in PROD.
I was just on the point to follow the complete Deployer process which asks me to select packages from Source, then creating a new Build from Source (Preprod) and the complete the process.
That’s a very good idea
I suppose I need to use “Import build” and put my Zip in there.
Hi Cedric,
as pointed out in one of my earlier posts to this thread you will find the eported build under IntegrationServer/(instances//)packages/WmDeployer/replicate/outbound directory or you save it directly from browser when it prompts you for this.
Place this export under IntegrationServer/(instances//)packages/WmDeployer/replicate/inbound directory of the the traget server and import it by using “Import build”.
Deployer unfortunately do not have a possibility to directly upload the file to the inbound directory.
Oh, sure… I understand now.
Thanks a lot Holger.