How do I install this application on cumulocity?

I built a new cockpit app with c8y framework and it works fine on my localhost.

How do I install this application on cumulocity?
I am doing as below and it is not successful;

First, I’m making a zip file of the new cockpit application I created (including the ngmodules folder)

I follow the steps of Administration>ecosystem>applications>add application.

When I upload it says .zip file cannot be larger than 517 mb.

I created a new tutorial app for testing.
I was able to upload it by following the steps of Administration>ecosystem>applications>add application. this time it didn’t give a size error.
but it gives 404 not found - openresty error.

Where am I doing wrong?

Where am I doing wrong?

You are not reading the documentation or using the search function of this tech community :wink:

You should do a c8ycli build before you zip anything. Afterwards you can just do a c8ycli deploy or if you want to go the way of the zip file:
Go to dist-->apps-->{appname} folder, zip everything. Upload the file


Thank you, you have been very helpful :smiley:

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you can get assistance from chatgpt.

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