Cumulocity Custom Angular Application Development


This tutorial describes how to develop pure angular application using c8y/client and deploy to cumulocity tenant.


Install Angular CLI

  • npm install -g @angular/cli will install the angular cli on your system

Develop the angular project

  • ng new < projectname > - this command will create a new project.
    • Angular Routing can be selected Yes or No based on your requirement. More details on angular routing can be found here.
    • You can select the type of stylesheet you require.

  • npm install @c8y/client - Navigate to the newly created project and execute this command to install c8y/client modules to the project

  • ng serve - use this command to start running the project on localhost.

Cumulocity Specific Development

  • Add proxy details

    • Create a file named proxy.conf.json and add it to the project within src folder. The file content is as below

      "/": {
      "target": "<your cumulocity tenant name>" ,
      "secure": false,
      "changeOrigin": true,
      "logLevel": "info"
    • Modify the file angular.json, add reference to the newly created proxy file

  • For demo purpose, you can add cumulocity authentication details to app.module.ts file. In production application, authentication has to be implemented seperately.

  • app.component.ts - add the custom code to this file based on your requirement. The below example is to list all the device managed objects.
  • app.component.html - add your UI related code here. The below example is to print the managed object details.
  • ng build --href-base /apps/< your app name >/
    • This command will build the application and a new folder named dist will be created within the project with all the files required to deploy the application.
    • Create a file named cumulocity.json. The content of this file can be simple as below
    • Place the cumulocity.json file within the dist/< yourapp > folder.
    • Zip the contents within the dist/< yourapp > folder.

Angular application upload

  • Upload the zip file to your cumulocity tenant under Administration -> Own Application -> upload web application
  • Your newly deployed application will be available in the app switcher.

There is a typo in the build step of this guide. It should be:

ng build --href-base /apps/<your-app>/
1 Like

Thanks for pointing it out Lucas, the article has been updated.