How can I obtain data from PostgreSQL refcursor?

I have to call PostgeSQL procedure that returns refcursor.
When I create JDBC adapter (StoredProcedureWithSignature) it shows SQL type “refcursor” as JDBC type “OTHER”.
Is it posible to read data that way?
Or, if not, how can I write function/procedure to get set of records from PostgreSQL database?


did you try with an SQL adapter of type Select ?

By the way, how you configured your access to PostgreSQL ?

Thanks for your reply.
I can’t call select because of our serurity policy :eek:…
I’m using org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource
and postgresql-8.1-404.jdbc3.jar


JDBC adapter returns refcursor as org.postgresql.jdbc3.Jdbc3ResultSetMetaData class
I change it to document list with java service.
