How can I compress input file with DBA Workbench

hi everyone

I am a newbaby and struggling with adabas on windows.

I would like to learn about compress and load

1- I have a decompressed file
2- I have FDT file that is written in txt file. I am not sure about its format ,is correct or not ?

could you give me one sample FDT file which can be used for compress operating by DBA Workbench utility.

I am looking forward to seeing responses


From the screen image (and a previous post), it is apparent that you are porting a file from mainframe to Windows.

Under Windows, the FDT can be supplied in two ways:
. from an existing Adabas file, by selecting it from the file list (as you did with File 3 in your screen image), and leaving the FDT selection empty in the Compress utility
. from a flat file in ADAFDU format, selecting it as the FDT in the Compress utility

To create the flat file
. unload the mainframe FDT via Object Handler (TRANSFER format)
. FTP to windows
. under Windows, run the LOAD function of Object Handler to create the FDU-format file
. . specify the output directory/file-name within your Object Handler parameters or as Work File 5 in the Natural Configuration utility

Hi everyone

thanks for your reply

I am still struggling as a new baby
I would like to migrate from mainframe to windows
I migrated all of the objects(program,map,ddm etc), EXCEPT data.

I could not COMPRESS the file with adabas workbench

I am using Adabas Workbench

what is the correct order of the loading data into database? could you write down in order ?

I have had the FDT and Data file then what should I do ?


when I use compress screen I always get the error (see the attachment file "unexpected end of file ")
do you thing data file is not in correct format that was provided me by mainframe staff(system programmer) ?

I am really waiting for your help to go forward
Thanks for your help