Hi Everyone ,In IS i am facing one error

Hi Every One,

IS showing below error under server…what this error for every operation it showing same error some one please help me

IST [SCC.0121.0050I] rollback-only flag is set. rolling back transaction, xid = eswar-6d68066cf/1364543088821



You need to provide more details along with the query.At what point are you seeing this error and what are you doing some testing application using JDBC Adapter transaction (LOCAL_TRANSACTION)?


Hi rmg,

  Thanks for your reply, i wrote flowservice for inserting data into db from flatfile this service is running succesfuly data also inserting into particular table...in IS the above error is comming everytime..even when i start IS first time in a day..and frankly speaking for every operation above error i am seeing in IS... what woulb be the reason..please can u tell me the reason and how to solve this one...  Thanks


Hi Eswar,
Are you sure the record is inserted into DB? If possible post steps you have followed in your flow service. I doubt you are trying to rollback after commit.


Hi Niteesh,

            Yaa Record is inserting in to db,i am not using rollback and that error is comming every time i mean for every operation for example i am trying to publish doc into broker then also same error i am getting..

Under Error tab in IS:

Adapter Runtime (Notification): Notification error during execution of Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_Notify. Error: [ART.116.3010] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error publishing notification Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_Notify. Error: [ISS.0098.9011] Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_NotifyPublishDocument is not a Publishable Document Type. . [ISS.0098.9011] Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_NotifyPublishDocument is not a Publishable Document Type. . [ART.116.3010] Adapter Runtime (Notification): Error publishing notification Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_Notify. Error: [ISS.0098.9011] Assainment.Notification:Insert_Empdetails_NotifyPublishDocument is not a Publisha

Under server tab in IS:

IST [SCC.0121.0050I] rollback-only flag is set. rolling back transaction, xid = eswar-6d68066cf/1364623508852

Hi Eswar,

First issue is the document you are trying to publish should be made publishable(Right side in Flow properties, make it true).
To use transactions, use start transaction in first step, then use commit in end of try block. Keep rollback in catch block(Same old practise :slight_smile: ). Use same variable from start to rollback…


Hi Niteesh,

 That option disable in the properties, i  am trying to make true pudlishable option but  it is disable...


You can try make that publishable doc type to True and also sync the doc type to broker from the Developer File Menu.

Why is the disabled and who any idea from your team?

Also as mentioned earlier is the JDBC Adapter connection set to LOCAL_TRANSACTION? what did you see in the settings View mode?


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