GXS Connectivity


I managed to configure TN to connect to GXS using vanftp. ( I hope that is the way, if anyone used a different way, do let me know).

Now the service VAN.VANConnectivity:getFromVAN fails to understand output of the ls command. the ls output of GXS is somewhat like follows.

ftp> ls

200 Command Okay.
150 Opening data connection for transfer.

Sender ID St APRF SNRF Service Ref.

TESTUSER001 Y *BINARY 87694102200002 003085911823017410

226-Closing data connection - action successful.
List command OK, SNRF: 87703643400002

And this service starts treating each of the line as a file name, and fails. where is the filename is only 003085911823017410.

Can anyone help?
