March 19, 2002, 4:19pm
Can anybody give me a hint how i can query joined elemts including in a result document?
doctype order_id: <order_id ino:id=“1” c_ob_id=“1” p_ob_id=“2”> <order_id ino:id=“2” c_ob_id=“1” p_ob_id=“3”> <order_id ino:id=“2” c_ob_id=“2” p_ob_id=“1”>
doctype customer: c1 c2
doctype product: p1 p2
The result should be something like that: c1 p1 p2 c2 p1
I do not know how to solve it! :o(
Regards Michael
March 25, 2002, 8:36pm
Sorry that nobody answered your question earlier (I was on vacation…)
I hope the following solution will help you. Yo can test it with the latest version of quip (I did not check earlier versions).
From this solution you can learn several things:
* a nice example of qualified expressions * nested flower expressions * computed element construction * definition of utility function
Sven Eric
define function removeAttr($el){ element {name($el)} {$el/node()} }
let $orders := (<order_id ino:id=“1” c_ob_id=“1” p_ob_id=“2”/> ,<order_id ino:id=“2” c_ob_id=“1” p_ob_id=“1”/> ,<order_id ino:id=“2” c_ob_id=“2” p_ob_id=“1”/> )
let $customers := (c1 ,c2 )
let $products := (p1 ,p2 )
for $c in $customers return { removeAttr($c), for $p in $products where some $o in $orders satisfies ($p/@ino :id = $o/@p_ob_id and $c/@ino :id = $o/@c_ob_id ) return removeAttr($p) }