Generate C program to call a RFC SAP by service

I have created a service in SAP BC Developper, and I have generated a program C for HP UX 11i (64 bits).
When a run make -f <service>.mak I have an error.
cc -g +z +DAportable +DS2.0 -llwp -I/opt/java1.4/jre/include -I/opt/java1.4/jre/include/hp-ux \
-I/home/uniface/d_bfd/SAP/WM/lib IntegrationCustomer.c /home/uniface/d_bfd/SAP/WM/lib/hpx_wmJNI.a \
/home/uniface/d_bfd/SAP/WM/lib/hpx_wmJNIc.a -L/opt/java1.4/jre/lib/PA_RISC/native_threads -ljava -lpthread -lc \
-o IntegrationCustomer
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: /usr/lib/ Mismatched ABI. 64-bit PA shared library found in 32-bit link.
*** Error exit code 1

Makefile generated
IntegrationCustomer.mak (1.0 k)

The make file is not correct, I use jdk 1.4
The make file :

Makefile for generated C client: Make sure you set JDKDIR and

CLASSPATH for your environment; also set INCLUDES and LIBDIR to

match the location of the required headers and libraries.

JDKDIR = /opt/java1.4/jre
LIBDIR = /home/uniface/d_bfd/SAP/WM/lib
CLASSES = .:$(LIBDIR)/jdk11x_update.jar:$(JDKDIR)/lib/$(LIBDIR)/client.jar

COPT = -g +z +DAportable +DS2.0 -llwp
THRDIR = $(JDKDIR)/lib/PA_RISC/native_threads

all: IntegrationCustomer

IntegrationCustomer: IntegrationCustomer.c
cc $(COPT) -I$(JDKDIR)/include -I$(JDKDIR)/include/hp-ux \
-I$(INCLUDES) IntegrationCustomer.c $(LIBDIR)/hpx_wmJNI.a \
$(LIBDIR)/hpx_wmJNIc.a -L$(THRDIR) -ljava -lpthread -lc \
-o IntegrationCustomer

runtest: IntegrationCustomer
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIBS); export SHLIB_PATH=$(LIBS); \
export CLASSPATH=$(CLASSES); ./IntegrationCustomer

rm -f IntegrationCustomer.o
rm -f IntegrationCustomer