General Availability of AgileApps Cloud 10.9

Dear All,

Glad to announce the General Availability of the latest version 10.9 of the AgileApps Cloud product for on-premise customers.

This can be installed from empower using the latest Software AG installer, where you would find it under the 10.1 version of the Software AG Suite of products.

Please find details of the 10.9 version at the below link:

Also note that the Cloud will be updated at the end of Feb during our scheduled maintenance cycle which is usually scheduled for the last weekend of the month, such that there is minimum impact to your business.

Do let us know if you face any issues in installing or upgrading to the latest version 10.9 of AgileApps.

Happy apping.

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Jain
Software AG
Product Management – AgileApps, Dynamic Apps Platform