Gadget creation for AgileApps Forms

This Document will explain you about creating a Custom Gadget for AgileApps Forms which is created in AgileApps Application. After creating a form in AgileApps, the form can be visible in runtime Business Console as a Gadget. If required can be customized the same in designer before publishing.


A working SoftwareAG environment with MWS, IS and AgileApps products. And a designer to import and deploy the AgileApps forms.

Now, first we need to create a Form in AgileApps application.

  1. Login to AgileApps Application with the credentials.
  2. Create an application in AgileApps
  3. Create an object under the application
  4. Create all required fields in the object created with different combinations.
  5. Click on forms and check for the default form. (A Default form will be created automatically), Default form can be used or we can create our own form with any other name.
  6. Go to the default form/created own form and design layout of your own and add the fields which are created to form and save.

  1. Now go to the Object created and click on “Create new Instance” for the form.
  2. Create a new instance and check whether the instance is getting created or not.

AgileApps form is ready and through that, instance is also getting created. Now let us import the AgileApps form and create a Gadget to create an instance from the Business console.

  1. Open the Eclipse Designer and switch to UI development view
  2. Create a “New Web Application” or “Gadget Application”.
  3. Right click on the created application and Under the Business Console Gadget, click on
    “Generate AgileApps Form Gadget”.

  1. A popup will open and enter the AgileApps host name ( where we have installed the AgileApps).

  1. Enter User ID and Password (The same UserID and Password where we entered to login to AgileApps)
  2. Click on Next.
  3. Select the AgileApps application and under that select the form/Object which needs to be imported from AgileApps.
  4. Click on next and finish.

Once after the import, we will get “WebContent”, under that a gadget will be created. Under the gadget, we will get 4 folders like images, scripts, styles and views.

Click on Views folder and open “aa_view_partial.xhtml”.

Under the design tab we can customize the AgileApps forms as how we required. Under the Preview tab, we can see the preview of the AgileApps form Gadget.

UI changes can be done in “aa_view_directive.js” for custom Gadgets. And configuration and control changes can be done in “config.js” and “controller.js”. Gadget style changes can be done in “gadget.css” under styles folder.

Once after the required changes, the AgileApp Gadget is ready for deployment. Deploy the Gadget into MWS/IS and wait for the deployment.


Go to Business Console URL and create any AppSpace. Add the AgileApps Gadget which is just now deployed.

After adding go to setting of that specific Gadget and Change “AgileApps New Record Mode” to true, to create a new record. If the same is in false mode, then already created record can be update.

Enter all the details in the gadget and click on Submit button. Check for the Case creation in Business Console Work Stream Gadget. Cross check the same Case created in AgileApps.

Below are the lists of supported form fields in Business Console Gadget from AgileApps Forms:


Updating the AgileApps Gadget:

Once after creation of the AgileApps form Gadget, the changes which are done in AgileApps will not reflect automatically. Need to deploy the AgileApps form again through designer to MWS/IS. The changes will reflect to AgileApps Gadget only after the deployment.

So after deploying the Gadget to MWS, the gadget will be available in Business Console run time. If any modification done in the AgileApps form then to reflect that changes, need to redeploy the Gadget to MWS. By doing that we will lose the changes we done in designer after importing the AgileApps form before deploying to MWS.

Updating the Instance:

Once after the creation of any Instance, that created instance should be displayed in both AgileApps Application and as well in Business Console Runtime. If any update done for that created instance in Business Console or AgileApps should be reflected in both the places.