Single sign on can be configured in Agile Apps so that Business console users can access Agile Apps. Navigation form Agile Apps to Business console will require single login using Business console user.
Below are the steps to configure single-sign-on,
- HTTPS port configuration settings in MWS
a. Login to MWS as Administrator
URL: http://<MachineName>
Username: Administrator
Password: manage.
b. Navigate to Applications > Administration > My webMethods > Cluster Settings,
Set HTTPS port as 8586 as in the screenshot,
c. Restart MWS
2. Configuration of single sign on in Agile Apps
For each Agile Apps tenant single sign on can be configured. Configuration of single sign on for Agile Apps default tenant “AgileApps DAP Tenant” is described below,
a. Login to Agile Apps using AgileApps DAP Tenant credentials
URL: https://<MachineName> /servicedesk/index.jsp
Username: Administrator
Password: manage
b. Request for password change will be prompted; enter new password, security question and its corresponding answer.
c. Navigate to Settings > Account Management > Single-Sign-On Settings > Edit,
Set values for parameters as below,
- Sign-On Using: SAML
- Note down
- Platform Authentication Service URL
- Assertion Consumer Service EndPoint
- Issuer: https://<MachineName>
- SAML Third party authentication URL: https://<MachineName>
- User Id Location: Subject
- Create Users: select check box
- Attribute for First Name: FirstName
- Attribute for Last Name: LastName
- Attribute for Email: EmailID
- Default Team: My Team
- Default Access Profile: Administrator [Select required profile]
- Default Application: Service Desk [Select required application]
- Default Role: Manager [Select required Role]
d. For Issuer Certificate either use stored certificate or copy paste the below content in the given text area, note that no white spaces are allowed.
TIB9Ith+rrAR/4ayfSu6piYewyydacyg-----END CERTIFICATE-----
e. Save the configuration, the overall configuration setting will look as in below screenshot,
3. SAML SSO Configuration in MWS
a. Login to MWS as system admin
URL: http://<MachineName>
Username: Sysadmin
Password: manage
b. Navigate to Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > Configuration > SAML SSO Configure SP and provide below values for parameters and save.
- Service Provider Name: https//<MachineName> [Or any other name]
- SAML Issuer Identifier: : https//<MachineName>:<port>
- Default Relay State: Ticket value in the previously noted down “Platform Authentication Service URL”
- SAML Response Consumer Endpoint: Previously noted down “Assertion Consumer Service EndPoint”
4. Add following entry in <Software AG_directory>\profiles\MWS_default\configuration\ custom_wrapper.conf
5. Business console configurations
a. Login to Business console as system Administrator
URL: http://<MachineName>
Username: Administrator
Password: manage
b. Navigate to Profile picture > Administer Business Console , provide following parameter value and save.
AgileApps URL:
6. SSO verification
a. Restart MWS
b. In browser open, previously noted “Platform Authentication”, and login as,=
Username: Administrator
Password: manage
If login leads to Agile Apps page, SSO is configured successfully.
Note: If SSO user needs to access Business console Tasks following steps needs to be performed,
- Login to IS as Administrator
URL: http://<MachineName>
Username: Sysadmin
Password: manage
- Navigate to Packages > Management
a. Click on Home link of “WmTaskClient” package and edit with following values and save
Task Server: Remote MWS
Task Server URL: https://<MachineName>:<HttpsPort>
c. Reload “WmTaskClient” package
3. Business console configurations
a. Login to Business console as system Administrator
URL: http://<MachineName>
Username: Administrator
Password: manage
b. Navigate to Profile picture > Administer Business Console, provide following parameter value and save.
Task Engine URL:
Now SSO user should be able to access Case, Task and Process in Business Console