I am developing a web application using Tomcat jsp/servlet engine that comes with webMethods 6.
In this application, a webMethods service is invoked (using webMethods specific jsp tags) which retrieves data from an Oracle database table and displays in the browser.
When you run the jsp, by default, IS displays a standard browser authentication dialog. It works fine. My requirement is to provide a FORM based login for this application. Can anybody tell me how I authenticate the user/password?
PS: There is a users.cnf file under [IS_DIR]/config directory. In this the password is encrypted.
Can anyone tell me how to validate the supplied password in this case?
Thanks RMG for your reply.
I rephrase my question. I have a userid/password combination from a login jsp page. How can I check whether the supplied userid/password combination is a valid webMethods user?
How do you authenticate the user? Where is the user logging into? If you are trying to authenticate the user against a username and password stored in a database table, you will have to use the encryption provided.
Please provide more info.
I am developing a web application using Tomcat jsp/servlet engine that comes with webMethods 6. Till now I don’t have a login page for this appln. I used a standard browser authentication dialog that IS displays by default. Now, I need to create a login page for this application. On click of login button, I should check whether the supplied userid/password combination is a valid webMethods user or not. How can I check it?
NOTE: The users are created thru’ webMethods admin screen and assigned to a particular group.