This article describes the step-by-step process of creating a FlowService in New Flow Editor for the data sync between SAP Cloud for Customer “Employee” business object and Marketo “Sales Person” business object.
- User needs to have a working SAP Cloud for Customer account, to log into the SAP CRM tenant
- User needs to have a working Marketo account, to log into the Marketo tenant
- Access permission for SAP C4C APIs and Marketo APIs
- Working tenant
Creating FlowService in New Flow Editor for the data sync between SAP Cloud for Customer “Employee” business object and Marketo “Sales Person” business object.
Steps to create flowservice for SAP C4C Employee to Marketo Sales Person data sync in
1. Login to integration
2. Click on Project and navigate to FlowServices
3. Create a flowservice
4. Add Try-Catch control with getLastError and Exit flow with reason in case of failure
5. Define Input fields
6. Add SAP C4C connector and select Add Custom Operation
Select pre-defined operation if existing already
7. Configure Account for SAP C4C connector using basic authentication
8. Set Metadata Caching to true while configuring account
9. Select the account configured and continue to create the custom operation
10. Select the custom operation "querySAPC4Cemployees" created and the SAP C4C account configured
11. Add the Repeat control to loop over the Employees list
12. Add the If-Else control to filter the Employees list based on the filter parameter and map the list of Employees to upsert into Marketo as Sales Person
13. Add the Marketo connector
14. Add the custom operation or select pre-defined operation of the Marketo connector and configure account using OAuth access token
15. Select the Marketo operation "upsertMarketoSalesPerson" created and the account configured
16. Add Do-Until control for the pagination of the Employee list queried from SAP C4C and iterate to upsert the Sales Person list into Marketo, default count is 100 records per iteration
17. Once the flowservice is created, click on the Run button to execute it with the required inputs and check it is executed successfully.