I’ve a File Input control binded to FileItem(org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem) and sync command button binded to a java method (just added log statements to print the file name).
I deployed this CAF Project to 4 different environments and it works (log statements are written to the console) in 2 of the environments but does not invoke the method on the other two.
I’ve compared the web.xml on all the 4 environments and all of them looks the same.
Below are the versions and fix levels
ENV1 - DOES NOT WORK -, MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix19,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix14,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix18
ENV2 - WORKS -, MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix14,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix18
ENV3 - DOES NOT WORK -, MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix19,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix14,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix18
ENV4 - WORKS -, MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix18,MWS_8.0_SP2_Fix15
After viewing the versions and fix levels, it works in *.285 version of MWS but not on *.286.
Did anyone else face similar problem ?
Any suggestions would be helpful