I am trying to use an external jar ( Say, commons-codec-1.10 from Apache) and placed the same in
IntegrationServer/lib/jars folder and restarted the server. I can see the jar loaded successfully in IS through the about link. But still the class present in the jar ( say Base64) is not visible in designer. Could you please guide what settings I need to do for the jar to work in my designer?
For every java service we create in designer’s service development perspective, a new Eclipse Java Project will be created in the background which we can see when you switch to “Java” perspective.
This Java project name will be your [IntegrationServerHost_Port] Example: HTTPUtils[localhost_8555]
Right click on your Java project that got created for you package and server, Build Path → Add External Archives
Choose the jar files you want and click Open
This will add the libraries from your jar into Designer context for that particular Package only. You may have to repeat the same if needed for other packages too. or else add the jars to designer/eclipse environment at global level so that they are accessible all the time from all packages.
For Designer, you need to place jars into /code/jars to make compile available and config the build-path of your project to avoid error message. The jars which you placed in designer(build path) are useful only at the design time. In run time they will be fetched from the package jars.