Errors Generating Web Service Connector to Apache AXIS Web Service using Developer

OOOPS! Evidently the WSDL didn’t post correctly so I attached it this time… ;)~


wsdlsnippet.txt (0.9 k)


I think wsdl you uploaded has only few lines,
Anyways there is an "xs:"indication missing through out the tags
forexample:<schema> it should be <xs:schema> and for <element> this should be xs:element name=“create” (i have removed the tags as this site will not allow the format).so i think this gets rid of the error you are getting shown below

errorCode: XSDC-003

errorMessage: [ISC.0082.9705] Definition not found

identifier: /schema/element[@name=“create”]…etc…etc…

This might not resolve the futher errors,just trying to resolve some of the errors.

see the attachment,

wsdlsnippet_modified.txt (1.0 k)



Thanks for the reply! I see that they do not have the xs qualifier now; didn’t think about it until you mentioned it. However, I cannot modify this group’s WSDL. I need to act as a client to them and call them from a flow (if possible; Java if not). As far as the rest of the WSDL and the errors, it’s the same. Developer basically got mad at the whole WSDL and was generating the same error messages for each type defind in the WSDL.

So I take it I should contact these folks and ask them to use the xs namespace in their elements? …Or did I miss understand completely?

Thanks Again!


Thanks for the reply! I see that they do not have the xs qualifier now; didn’t think about it until you mentioned it. However, I cannot modify this group’s WSDL. I need to act as a client to them and call them from a flow (if possible; Java if not). As far as the rest of the WSDL and the errors, it’s the same. Developer basically got mad at the whole WSDL and was generating the same error messages for each type defind in the WSDL.

So I take it I should contact these folks and ask them to use the xs namespace in their elements? …Or did I misunderstand completely?

Thanks Again!

Sorry for the dup post. I realized just after I clicked the submit button that I had a spelling issue and tried to stop the post.



yes you may have to contact who ever generated that wsdl for you and probably they can make change to include xs: qualifier.



At the alphaWorks (IBM) you can download a number of tools for creating and verifying WSDLs. You should try these to see whether WSDLs you receive are conform standards.

[url=“”]Legacy Communities - IBM Community

Regards, Chris