error while import pipeline

I am facing an error while doing import pipeline locally in WM 6.1

com.wm.util.coder.InvalidDatatypeException: [ISC.0076.9004] decoding: ex:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

How was the pipeline file created? Specifically, what version of IS was the service on, which saved the pipeline to file?


Hi Taurean,
First af all thks for the reply,
That is created with IS6.1 itself n only i am not able to restore it on my local server,But i can do it on another server available.

whats the other server.When you use savepipeline to file it save the file in the respective servers.So if you do in devlopment it will saved in dev box.If its QA then it will be in QAbox.
In the input for the save pipeline are giving just the name of file or are you giving any phyisical location.Try by giving just the filename and use the same in restore piplene to file .
