error while executing xquery-statement

i’ve go a problem with a xquery-statment.

my xml looks like:


my xquery-statement looks like:

let $all := input()/files
for $name in distinct-values($all/file/name/text()),
	$owner in ($all/file/owner),
	$size in ($all/file/size),
	$cTime in ($all/file/creationTime),
	$lTime in ($all/file/lastAcceessTime),
	$path in ($all/file/path)
return (count($all[file/name=$name]), $owner, $name, $size, $cTime, $lTime, $path)

the errormessage is:
A runtime exception occurred. See the details for the trace.

i don’t find any description for xplxpe0021 even in the internet nor in taminodescription.
any idea where the fault is?

  • might there is a problem with the ressources?

thanks for answering

the solution is us let instead of for.

let $all := input()/files
for $chek in ($all/file)
	let $name := distinct-values($chek/name)
	let $owner := $chek/owner
	let $size := $chek/size
	let $cTime := $chek/creationTime
	let $lTime := $chek/lastAccessTime
	let $path := $chek/path
	let $pDir := $chek/parentDirectory
	let $dir := $chek/directory
	let $pathSize := if ($pDir = 'keine Angabe') then (string-length($chek/directory))	else (string-length($chek/path))
	where ($owner = 'rwa')
	order by $pathSize ascending

now other question.
is there any possibility to programm an string-variable and to increase this variable?
[in code previously with “–>”]

-->  declare variable $space as xs:string := "  ";
let $all := input()/files
for $chek in ($all/file)
	let $name := distinct-values($chek/name)
	let $owner := $chek/owner
	let $size := $chek/size
	let $cTime := $chek/creationTime
	let $lTime := $chek/lastAccessTime
	let $path := $chek/path
	let $pDir := $chek/parentDirectory
	let $dir := $chek/directory
	let $pathSize := if ($pDir = 'keine Angabe') then (string-length($chek/directory))	else (string-length($chek/path))
	where ($owner = 'rwa')
	order by $pathSize ascending
	if (string-length($chek/rootDirectory) = string-length($chek/directory))
	-->  then (<td>{$space, data($name)}</td>)
	else (<td>{data($name)}</td>)
	-->  (: increase the variable space with two spaces :)
	-->  $space = $space + "  "

or doing with a for-loop:

-->  declare variable $space as xs:integer := 0;
let $all := input()/files
for $chek in ($all/file)
	let $name := distinct-values($chek/name)
	let $owner := $chek/owner
	let $size := $chek/size
	let $cTime := $chek/creationTime
	let $lTime := $chek/lastAccessTime
	let $path := $chek/path
	let $pDir := $chek/parentDirectory
	let $dir := $chek/directory
	let $pathSize := if ($pDir = 'keine Angabe') then (string-length($chek/directory))	else (string-length($chek/path))
	where ($owner = 'rwa')
	order by $pathSize ascending
	-->  for (i=0, i<space>  {
	-->    $empty = ?insert i * spaces? 
	-->  }
	if (string-length($chek/rootDirectory) = string-length($chek/directory))
	-->  then (<td>{$space, data($name)}</td>)
	else (<td>{data($name)}</td>)
	(: increase the variable space with two spaces :)
	-->  $space +=2;


I do not really understand what you want to achieve,could you please give an example of the expected output?

In general, recursion might be a means to achieve indentation, as variables cannot be modified in XQuery (hence the name “variable” is misleading)