Sql group by equivalence in Tamino XQuery

Hello I’m working with tamino v4.2

Having the following document structure:

I’d like to perform a group by operation

Sql syntax

select username, count(username)
from log
where description = “App search” and date like “%06/2008%”
group by username

How the sql query above would be in xquery?

I’ve tried the following one but count operation returns always 0 and I don’t know why …

declare namespace tf=“http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction

let $a := (
for $b in log
where (($b/description = “App search”) and (tf:containsText($b/date,“???06/2008*”)))
return $b
for $d in distinct-values($a/username/text())


let $z := (for $c in input()/log
where (
($c/description = “App search”) and (tf:containsText($c/date,“???06/2008*”))
and ($c/username = “$d/text()”)

   return $c


Any help would be much appreciate.

Thanks in advance.


staying as close as possible to your query, you would have to modify as follows:

declare namespace tf="http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction"

let $a := (for $b in input()/log
               where (($b/description = "App search") and    
               return $b)
for $d in distinct-values($a/username/text())
    let $z := (for $c in input()/log
                  where ($c/description = "App search") and  
                             and ($c/username = $d)
                  return $c
     return  <cont>{count($z)}</cont>

actually only minor changes (in particular, you cannot apply /text() to $d as $d is already a text node, and you must not quote $d)
The query could be written more compact as

declare namespace tf="http://namespaces.softwareag.com/tamino/TaminoFunction"
let $log:=input()/log[./description = "App search" and
for $d in distinct-values ($log/username/text()) return



although there is an example i can’t create ‘group-by’-statment in tamino.

i’f got a xml like:


now i’m trying to get a ‘group-by’-stamtement like :

select count(name), name
from   files
group by name

my XQuery-statement looks like:

let $a := input()/files
for $d in distinct-values($a/file/name/text()) return ($d, count($a[file/name=$d]))

does anyone see the error?!?

Thanks for help.

Strange, today it works.


let $a := input()/files
for $d in distinct-values($a/file/name/text()) return ($d, count($a/file[name=$d]))