Running the “similar” Xquery and Xquery (see bellow), searching for the same word, the results don’t match the same nodes, it return only the first artigo-texto (child node) of artigo element (parent).
I will use this Xquery to formulate a more complex one. (Ex. to get other elements)
Is it a wrong Xquery?
Is the problem in the Schema?
The attached file contain the Tamino Schema and XML DataLoader File.
The XQuery:
declare namespace tf=“”
declare namespace ino=“”
for $a in input()/norma//artigo-texto
where tf:containsText($a, “fundamental”)
return { $a }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
- <ino:response xmlns:ino=“” xmlns:xql=“XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)”>
- <xq:query xmlns:xq=“”>
- <![CDATA[
declare namespace tf=""
declare namespace ino=""
for $a in input()/norma//artigo-texto
where tf:containsText($a, "fundamental")
return { $a }
- <ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processing</ino:messageline>
- <xq:result xmlns:xq=“”>
Art 1 (79.2 KB)
Stuart (Software AG - UK) sent the following tip to me. I think it could be useful in other queries that use text retrieval; it runs fine, see the result bellow.
Stuart wrote:
The following query should do the trick:-
declare namespace tf=“”
declare namespace ino=“”
for $a in input()/norma//artigo-texto
let $b := {$a}
where tf:containsText($b,“fundamental”)
By creating separate elements to contain each arigto-texto element and then using containsText() function againest each of those elements solves the problem. I have no idea why this makes a difference and hopefully a developer will be able to explain. But I suspect it relates to the way containsText() works.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
- <ino:response xmlns:ino=“” xmlns:xql=“XQL FAQ (XML Query Language - Frequently Asked Questions)”>
- <xq:query xmlns:xq=“”>
- <![CDATA[
declare namespace tf=""
declare namespace ino=""
for $a in input()/norma//artigo-texto
let $b := {$a}
where tf:containsText($b,"fundamental")
- <ino:message ino:returnvalue=“0”>
ino:messagelineXQuery Request processing</ino:messageline>
- <xq:result xmlns:xq=“”>
Art. 5