Error when accessing Xapplication

This file did not exist in tomcat/webapps. I created the xappsimple in the webapps directly as posted. I stopped and restarted tomcat

I go to http://localhost:8080/xapp/simple/index.html and receive the following:

http status 404 - /xapp/simple/index.html

the requested resource /xapp/simple/index.html) is not available.


when you restart Tomcat, there is a console output. These output displays information about the contexts that are loaded.

Could you post this text to the community?

Did you call your file just ‘xappsimle’ or did you call it ‘xappsimle.xml’. The suffix ‘.xml’ is necessary. Otherwise, I am not sure if Tomcat will recognize the file as a context mapping.

Could you post also the file ‘xappsimple.xml’ you created as an attachment to your next post?

I will try to analyze why Tomcat did not accept your simple example.


I did indeed create xappsimple.xml.

The following is a portion of the log file after tomcat was restarted:

StandardWrapper[examples:default: loading container servlet default
StandardWrapper[examples:invoker: loading container servlet default
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /admin
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /webdav
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /xapp/dir
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /examples
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /tomcat-docs
StandardHost[localhost]:Removing web appliation at context path /xapp
SessionListener: contextDestroyed()
ContextListener: contextDestroyed()
StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at context path
StandardHost[localhost]: Removing web application at context path /xapp/simple
StandardHost[localhost]: ContainerBase.removeChild:stop: LifecycelException: Container StandardContext[/xapp/simple] has not been started

Let me know if I should post more…I had to type this in manually, because I’m trying to get xapp to run on a standalone Solaris box

Thanks for the help.

Also the xappsimple.xml file is as follows:


The console output indicated a problem when starting the web-application xapp/simple. However, the error message is not very helpful to get more information about the reason for the occurred problem.

Could you check, if there is any log-File that contains a stacktrace or more detailed error message?

Tomcat saves log files normally within the directory.


Interesting files are:



The xappsimple_log.txt file indeed had errors. The first two lines of the file are as follows:

StandardContext[/xapp/simple]: Resources start failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base /opt/xapplication_411/examples/jsp/simple does not exist or is not a readable directory.

I checked the permisions of all the above directories and they all are rwxr-xr-x

I am using Tomcat 4.1.29. I updated the xerces version per a previous post. Do you think this version of Tomcat could still be the problem?

I tried looking on apache’s site for the 4.1.18 version, but can’t seem to locate it. Any ideas of where I can find it. I’ll try going back to that version to see if I have the same problems

Please disregard the last post regarding the 4.1.18 version of tomcat. I located it on the archive page of the jakarta site.

I will install this version and repost my results.

Thanks for the help.

Ok. I installed tomcat 4.1.18, and received similar results.

The first couple lines of the file states
StandardContext[xapp/simple]: Resources start failed
StandardContext[xapp/simple]: Context startup failed due to previous errors
StandardContext[xapp/simple]: Exception during cleanup after start failed.

I did notice is the and files there is an error that states:

ContextConfig[/xapp/dir]: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only.

Should web.xml been created with loading xapplication? Or is this the same web.xml file that is often in /tomcat/webapps/webdav/WEB-INF folder?


the non-existing web.xml file indicates that the examples were not created correctly.


(1) open a console
(2) change to your X-Appplication installation directory
(3) invoke ‘ examples.jsp’ ( !! use the required shell !! when invoking the

and post the output to the community. There must be one step that fails.

Many thanks.


I built from the bash shell. (bash examples.jsp)



I’m wondering is this physical memory? Does some system parm have to be set? This is the first time I’ve seen this error.

I checked the webapps folder. And there are certainly more *.xml files than the previous run.

I can now access http://localhost/tamino/xapp/index.html

Click on Simple. I get the Simple Examples for JSP Tags (I wasn’t getting this at first)

Now when I click on any of the links (ex. Hello, Display, Create). I get 500 error
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: TaminoStoreException.

I’m thinking this is because the build did not complete fully

OK. The TaminoStore Exception Error is Solved (the database wasn’t running).

Now, when I click on the Hello example. I get 500: org.apache.jasper.JasperException:Schema Property not found in collection cmat.

cmat is indeed the name of my collection


you can check whether the collection is created or not with the Tamino Tool ‘X-Plorer’.

If it’s not created the install step for creating the example schema / data failed (OutOfMemoryException ?).

What you could do ist to invoke the installation of the schema / data:

(1) Open a console
(2) Change to your X-Appplication installation directory
(3) Invoke ‘ setup.collection’ ( !! use the required shell !! when invoking the

The normal out should look like this

Buildfile: ncconfig\build.xml




     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\property\property.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\property\PropCustomer.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\patient\patient.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\invoice\invoice.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\invoice\customer.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\tsd\any.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\tsd\anyWithSiblings.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName

     [java] defining tsd schema: C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\tsd\anyHtml.tsd -> http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName
     [java] FileDataDefinition in http://.../welcome_4_1_1/colName
     [java]     C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\property\data.xml
     [java]     C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\patient\data.xml
     [java]     C:\user\xapp\xapplication_411\testsuite\xmlfiles\property\PropCustomerData.xml
     [java] done

Total time: 46 seconds



Thanks so much. Now i can view all the links on the http://localhost:8080/xapp EXCEPT

for the generator link.

When I click on the Generator Link I get http 404: /xapp/generator/welcome.html

Does this need to be built as well?



There is also a separate build tag for the generator. Use the same steps as for building the schema / data, but invoke: generator


Ok Thanks. Getting closer.

That generator completed successfully. So I attempted to generate a new app.

I went through each step:
Configuration: entered the URL and collection
Define Schema: entered and got a SUCCESS message
Generate: entered schema name, doctype and application directory, and clicked GENERATE

This routed me to http://localhost:8080/xapp/generator/process.html
which just had a blank page.

I went to my tomcat/webapps directory and there was indeed a new directory with the same name as my schema name. That directory had several *.gif files, search.jsp. structure.xml, application.xml, config.xml and a WEB-INF directory which had a jsp sub directory, lib sub dir and web.xml sub

The only file in the jsp directory was xapplication.tld - the tag libs.

Should it have generated something else?

How can I access this application.

Ok. I think its the version of JAVA I’m using, which is 1.4.2_02. Based on this previous post

I’ll try configuring another JAVA version.


It was the JAVA version. I installed JDK 1.4.1_05 and it generated successfully.

Thank you for all the help.