error on Creating the Provider from a WSDL

Hello All

Upon creating the Provider from a WSDL I am getting following error : [ISS.0085.9306] SOAP Action ‘’ already found in Operation ‘ApplicationSearch’ and Binding ‘JavaApplicationImplDelegateSoap11’. SOAP Action must be unique for Operation and or Binding for a specified SOAP Version

Just for the information: I have few test services made from the old version of the same WSDL.
After few changes were made in the WSDL we were suppose to generate a new Proider with the updated WSDL.
Is the presence of these test Providers the cause of error (The test Providers are in diffrent package)

Can any one suggest what is the reason for the error.
I am new to WebServices and would highly appreciate your suggestions.

Thanks & Regards

validate the WSDL before consuming in WM IDE.


Hi Akshith

Thanks for your suggestion.

Below is the part of the used WSDL which i have been given from another source.

<wsdl:operation name=“Application1”>
<soap:operation soapAction=“”/>
<wsdl:input name=“Application1Request”>
<soap:body use=“literal”/>
<wsdl:output name=“Application1Response”>
<soap:body use=“literal”/>
<wsdl:operation name=“Application2”>
<soap:operation soapAction=“”/>
<wsdl:input name=“Application2Request”>
<soap:body use=“literal”/>
<wsdl:output name=“Application2Response”>
<soap:body use=“literal”/>

i had a doubt whether we can have both the soapAction same for two different operations.
In the above WSDL which i am using we have the same soapAction, i wonder if this is the problem.

Appreciate your help.


no you can not have same soap action for multiple operations in the WSDL. This could be the problem but make sure you validate the WSDL in Eclipse or XMLSpy before consuming it.


Thanks for your suggestion Akshith

I have tried to directly hit the service from the SOAP UI by importing the WSDL.
As i have mentioned i had 2 operations in my WSDL, for the first operation im getting a response on providing inputs in the request but for the second operation im getting a Null Pointer Exception in the response.

I believe this is because the Soap action is same as in the first operation.
