error : Not logged in!


Sometimes our integration server giving error like :
pub.client.ftp:cd [ISS.0086.9194] Not logged in! [/i]

Flow looks as below:

Loop on list of files

Here calling custom service to process inbound files (this service may take time 1 to 5 min)

In the second repetition of loop error coming like “Not logged in” at “Pub.client.ftp:cd” step.
I am confused why after login error throwing at change directory level?

Any one please helps me to fix this problem…

Thanks in advance…

A couple of items come to mind.

  • Why login and logout for every iteration of the loop?
  • Are you checking the result of the login? Are you sure it succeeds? (Perhaps you just omitted the error checking for posting here?)

What version of IS?

Thanks for your reply reamon.

We are using IS 7.1 version.

Loop iteration on list of files names.


Here calling custom service to process inbound files (this service may take time 1 to 5 min)


I understand that you’re looping over a list of filenames. Why are you logging in and out for each filename? Why not do this:

loop over filename
…call custom service


Are you checking the result of the login call?

Hi reamon,

Thanks for your suggestion, let me try in that way…

But I hope that the same problem will be arise at logout step.
Because my custom service may take more time (10 min…15 min…OR more) to process all inbound files, meanwhile if ligin session will get expire then error should be thrown at logout step.


What kind of box (windows/unix) you are trying to FTP . The solution suggested by reamon is perfect , you should not see the problem with this . Also check if there is any FTP session timeout parameter is set in the target server. If you have huge number of files ( also to make your process scalable ) use multithreaded model for this purpose .

Hi rgiduthuri,

While using the pub.client:ftp service did you select the newSession input Parameter as yes?

I guess yor session key is getting expired everytime while your custom services are been executed.

I dont know whether this would work in your case.