Error handling

Hi Team,

I have a requirement where in , i have to use SFTP services like login,logout,cd,chmod etc.

But if it fails to do so, we have to retry for 2 more times at interval of 10 seconds.

I used the repeat step to do so.


The service alone is working fine, i.e if it fails it is going to repeat. but this service has to be called inside another main flow service.

When i am calling that inside main flow service, that repeat is not working for failure.

Its weird , but the repeat is working if choose repeat on success.

Can you please advise , why this may happen.

Thanks in advance.
SS.docx (26.5 KB)

you can put the sftp login step under repeat which repeats if there is any transient error. Once the session is set you can use it further for other operations.

To understand your issue, kindly share the screenshots of parent and child service invoking repeat step.

Yes please share the SS of your flows and mainly it could be some issue with inner try/catch sequences for those repeat steps and thus the functionality is not working as desired.