Error creating a web service descriptor SSL

wM 9.10

I have a web service in https connection. The editor ask me login and pasword from a Browser (as Chrome).
I tried to create a web service descriptor consumer from the wsdl but I have the following issue in designer :

I don’t know where the problem come from :
As it is a consumer, I have done nothing in Integration Server in keystore or trustore because it is a client.
And I don’t know how to give the login and password from wsdl.

What I have to do ?

I add that

  • My designer is not on the server but in a local computer connected to the IS
  • The port of the web service client is not 443 but another port.

OK Solve !
I have to add my public key in cacert file on \jvm\jvm\lib\security.
But I did that on IS server and my local desktop where the designer is installed.
I know that if I want to discover the web service, I have to modify the cacert where my designer is installed. But I don’t know in runtime, fir the IS Server, the cacert file need to be modified to. (For the moment I can’t test because the web service need a user / password I didn’t receive yet from the client).