What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
Natural adabas ENtire X on Linux
ADabas NAtural on Windows
What are trying to achieve? Please descibe in detail.
Customer is doing RPC call with Entire X to the linux server to access adabas data on the Linux server the ENtire X with a broker running on LInux. this works. they would now like to do it the other way round and do call to Windows for data from the Adabas / Natural application running remotely. they only have ADabas and Natural installed on all the windows server. i have shown the we can do this with ADATCP/ Entire Net-work but they want to look at an Entire X solution as well. would they need a full Entire X or just a runtime on the windows servers…
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
The short answer is: You’ll need to contact your Software AG Account manager!
EXX has been sold in various setups over the years.
But from a technical point of view it is piece of cake.
When you have the IDL file in Designer (EXX or ONE perspective) you simply select Natural/Generate RPC-client and you have a working Subprog and also test-program.
This is what I am trying to establish before I talk to the account manager on what software the customer needs. How would a call be made from the Linux Natural application to the natural application on Windows if there is no Entire X installed on the windows.
So you will need to start a Natural RPC-server on Windows, which could connect to the Broker on Linux.
For starting a Natural RPC-server you will need a parameterfile where you specify that it should start as an RPC-server under a specific name and to which broker it should connect.
When you have created the parmfile then start it …
To start a Natural RPC server under Windows
Create a shortcut for Natural.
Enter the shortcut properties.
In the Target text box, edit the Natural path and append:
“\natural.exe” batchmode parm=serverparm
where serverparm is the name of the parameter file.
I haven’t checked if the newer versions of natural requires a licensefile for the EXX-client Stub like the java stub does, but up until recently it was part of the standard installation.
Hope that was enough for your “pre-contact” investigation