EDIFACT Envelope Services

I have issues with using the “addICEnvelopeEDIFACT” service.
After the IData is converted as a EDI string following steps are used to pass the EDI to TN.

  1. wm.tn.tpa:getTPA - Extract the TPA information based on sender and receiver infotmation.

  2. wm.b2b.edi.util:addICEnvelope - Add the envelopes based on the extracted TPA. I could not find the values to be set for this service for the below input parameters. I have edidata in the pipeline.

documents - String List EDI documents to which to add an IC envelope.
syntaxId - String Syntax identifier.
syntaxVersion - String Syntax version number.

There is a step by step explanation for X12 mapping not for EDIFACT.

I have set the values as below.

documents - %edidata% with perform sunstituion
syntaxId - Selected from the list
syntaxVersion - Selected from the list.
senderId - Mapped sender ID from TPA
senderQual - Mapped from TPA
reverseRoute - Mapped sender ID from TPA
receiverId - Mapped from TPA
receiverQual- Mapped from TPA
routingAddress - Mapped from receiver id TPA
ctlFromTable - true
ICreference - Not Set
passwordQual - Not Set
applReference - Not Set
priority String - Not Set
ackRequested - Not Set
agreementId - - Not Set
testIndicator - Default
UNARequired - True

Still getting error as “required input parameter is not specified (see “errorMessage” for detail”. Any thing else is missing?


Following i have noticed,

Instead of doing variable substituion for the “documents” just map edidata(and set the index to 0 in the Link Indices).

Also set the ICreference - ctrl Number using the(wm.b2b.edi.util:controlNumber)

Try this,it may work.


Also make sure your EDITPA has values for all the required inputs.

I am able to fix this with the service getTPAData. I used an older service getTPA with a wrapper which created some null qualifiers.

Glad you have found the issue,it happens.