I have a requirement to mark EDI documents as acknowledged when the functional acknowledgement comes in, and subsequently report on those that have not received an acknowledgment in a specific amount of time. Is anyone else doing this? How? My first thought was to update the user status in Trading networks to “Acknowledged” when the FA comes in, but to do so requires I get the document InternalID to use the wm.tn.doc:view service to obtain the bizdoc envelope needed for wm.tn.doc:changestatus. How can you obtain the webMethods InternalID for a document in a flow service?
Suggestion: Pass your customer the internal webMethods ID of your initial EDI document as a sort of “correlation id” and have them pass it back in the functional ack.
You can store the EDI document info in the Document ID field
You can develop a Java service which searches the TN for a particular document ID without having to remember the TN ID (internal ID). This way you can avoid asking the EDI senders to communicate the intenal ID. The ID is too long.
Check the class BizDocStore within the TN Java API. The method is queryDocuments to search TN with any of the attributes like DocumentID, SenderID, Receiver ID etc…
hope this helps
You can use the service “wm.tnweb.querySvc:getDocuments” to get the BizDoc internalID of acknowledged doc by giving input for NativeDocID(here NativeDocID is AK1_02 in 997 which is GroupID of your acknowledged document)
I hope this will help.
please could you send us some sample services to set this up