EDI Basics


New to webMethods EDI. I am sure this is some very basic questions, but I am completely lost at 2:00am midnight reading the documentation

I have a flow service that read an XML files, converts to EDI X.12
216. My flow service has successufly map all the segment, including adding Group Envelope and ISA.

Basic Question

  1. I got the EDI data as string edidata, how do I submit/delivery to
    Trading Network so that it can deliver my EDI to my trading partner
    (trading partner profile set up already in the trading network.)
    Essentially, I am lost at what TN flow service to use,
    1.1 Which service to convert string edidata to BizDoc
    1.2 Which service to call to actually deliver the service


Hi Stephen,

Hope this will help you…

  1. I got the EDI data as string edidata, how do I submit/delivery to
    Trading Network so that it can deliver my EDI to my trading partner
    (trading partner profile set up already in the trading network.)
    Ans)Once you have the final edidata string (including valid ISA,GS envelopes)then invoke either (wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXML or wm.tn:receive) Service and directly map the edidata string to either of the above services input Node).Since edidata is like global parsing variable for TN.

1.1Which service to convert string edidata to BizDoc
Ans)I dont think this step would be necessary, if you are sending EDI data (outbound) to trading partner.

1.2 Which service to call to actually deliver the service
Ans)Use wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXML or wm.tn:receive


Answer for 1.2)Those abouve mentioned services will deliver the document to TN only and from TN to outside world you may have to setup Receiver processingRules primaryFTP or publicQueues that uses VANFTP services for EDI document delivery or EDIINT:send mechanishm.



Wmusers are there to share and help you in right direction…

The above Exception shows that EDI document is not valid and not being recognized by TN.Reason might be the Envelope data (ISA/GS are not valid and formatted properly with mandatory fields).

So before submitting the edidata to TN use the following service that will help validating the EDI Envelopes (wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess)located in the WmEDI package.It gives output isValid (true or false) and ErrorArray.

Hope you have installed the corresponding EDI X.12 216 docType in TN.

Please check this thread for more understanding wmEDI process.

Also please check the Documentation located in the filesystem under the packages WmEDI,WmEDIForTN that can answer your above mentioned questions.



I love it…Got it posted to TN


I use the wm.b2b.edi:envelope process to ‘validate’ the EDI String.
and end up I have problem with the ST and SE segment.

And I use the routeXML to deliver to TN for processing

Some more question. Hopefully, you don’t mind

  1. After posting, I use TN Console -> Transaction Analysis and I see
    3 transaction, 1 for Doc Type X12 Envelope, 1 for X12 Group and 1
    for X12 4010 216.
    1.1. Seems to be they are all using the default routing rule (set
    Do I need to create a processing rule to actually deliver
    the document to Trading partner (using their Delivery Methods
    1.2 It seems to me that all 3 transactions contains the EDI data
    Is it trading partner sepcific that dictate which
    transaction should I actually send. (I assume this is
    X12 specific)


Sounds great…

Ans 1)yes,TN will create 3 documents X12Envelope,X12Group,X12 216 Actual TransactionSet which is the actual behaviour.And out of these you can delivery either X12 Envelope or Transaction set to your TP.

Ans 1.1)yes all the documents statuses will shown as IGNORED.And you need to create a ProcessingRule as i mentioned in my second posting which will deliver the EDI document and also there is an option you can change the UserStatus of the document to DONE or FTP Success in the ProcessingAction section.

Ans1.3)yes all the 3 documents will hold the same data.So Based on your trading partner requirement you can send either X12 Envelope level data or X12 216 Transaction Set.