
How do you retrieve the internal document ID in a flow service.
I was looking for something like getInternalDocumentID simlar to the getInternalID for the profile but could not find it.
Point me in the right direction please.


Hi Chris,
If you have a bizDoc then you can get Document ID under BizDoc envelope? I am not sure what you have available to get the Document ID.
Is your flow called by processing rule? Please provide more info

Hi Pu,

I’m trying to use createDocumentQuery to query a specific doc type and a specific status. Actually what I’m looking for is the InternalD of the Doc Type and not the documentID.


“wm.tnweb.querySvc:getDocuments” service. This can take a specific document type as input at “DocTypeName” This will result in a Record List called “Docs” (in some cases toDocs and fromDocs) which contains “DocID”. Loop over the Docs recordList and call “” and pass the DocID of each iteration to “internalId” This will give you bizDoc for all those transactions which also contains internal ID you are looking for.


Hello Chris - will return you a list of doctypes, with internal ids in ‘types[n]/TypeID’. You can use these to create a document query.

If you are dealing with bizdocs, the doctype’s internal Id should be in ‘/bizdoc/DocType/TypeID’
