I need to display txt files content in Mashzone.
For that I parse my txt files in SQL-SQLSERVER using varbinary and I’m using a SQL Query to have the txt files content.
In my dashboard I have a rich text area to display the result of my query. But only a part of my query result is show in this widget. It’s look like txt files content are truncate when I view my dashboard.
How can I do for having all content of my txt files ?
MashZone supports 2000 characters max per table cell. If more characters are to be processed the result will be truncated. One solution could be to split the text into paragraphs of 2000 characters and to load these into different feed columns. These could be assigned to the rich text widget and will thereby show longer texts.
If the text files do not change the content could perhaps be added to the rich text widget directly.
Kind regards,
Thank you for your answer, I will try that.
The text fils can be change, so it can’t be added to the rich text widget directly
Hi Adrien,
I had as well a problem with the character length in the cells.
You could adjust the mashzone.properties file (located …\MashZoneNG\apache-tomcat\webapps\mashzone\WEB-INF)
and add this line “mashzone.cell.characterlength = 5000” .
Maybe you have to check your version because this adaption just works since a certain Version or Fix I can´t remember the exact Version or Fix but maybe someone of the SAG-Team can help here.
Kind regards,
Hi Manuel,
It’s working on Mashzone 10.5 !
Thank you for solving this case.