Difference in outputs returned by the actual flow service and its connector

The server is on webMethods 7.1. I am encountering a very strange problem. I have a flow service which returns some values on the basis of the input. I have created it’s wsdl. Now for testing purpose when i am creating a provider and running it does not return all the outputs for the same input value. Any suggestions. For extra info i have checked the input output signature of the wsdl. It matches the flow service input/outpus signature. :frowning: Any suggestion would be welcomed… Thanks in advance. May god bless you!!

Can you try debug/testing the same using client SoapUI tool?.

Also cross check one more time the WSDL and WSC,WSD provider operations,signatures, configured as expected and even the logs.


Yes I have checked everything… It seems fine… Someone suggested chaging the namespace target… How to change the namespace target

Check the properties tab on the main IS service (name space declaration) and WSD properties tab.You can change it there.

Are you considering as Source or Target ie which role Consumer or Provider?

Also review the Web Services Developer guide, section “WSDL Namespace Declaration” under WSDL Documents chapter:

Prefix:tns The target namespace for the WSDL document
—>Elements and type definitions
defined within the tag
(contained in the element)
belong to a different target
(contained in the element)
belong to a different target