Developer Portal 10.15

Product/components used and version/fix level:

Developer Portal 10.15

Detailed explanation of the problem:

enabling the localization of the developer portal for the users and the default locale for the developer portal

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

there is no error

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

I tried to add locale js code from Developer portal 11 as a component in my Developer portal but it doesnt work what am I missing is there additional setup should be done to use the locale JS code as Language Switcher component.



might it be that this feature is not yet supported on Developer Portal 10.15 or is working in a different way than the feature in Developer Portal 11?



I think the web-components doesnt work anywhere in the developer portal i tried with API-gallery-item

it does work on specific part of the UI and for the default i found configuration to change it.

but i thought someone would have came cross this point before so we can learn from his experience on this particular point

Abdulmajeed Batays