Derby DB

I am trying to create an embedded database using derbydb in IS. Has anyone done it already. I have created the database using DBVisualizer but now I am stuck, how do I specify the IS JDBC derby connection to point that database and how do I make it run while the server starts.

Any help is appreciated.

The question should have been, does webMethods 7.1.2 support JavaDB. According to the JDBC Adapter user guide it does not support any Embedded databases. In fact any open source database. That answers my question. Thanks anyway.

webMethods 7.1.2 comes with Derby installed. This is the Embedded Database Pool (using Embedded Database Driver). You can access it using org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource as the DataSource class. You will need to provide a Database name. Create a Java service as follows:
try {
// configDB is the database name
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);

After executing this service, the data base will be created, in the wMHome\IntegrationServer\db folder.

Remember that when you use the embedded driver, the db is like a jar file loaded in the jvm, so there is no network calls. But it is also not cluster safe.

I only use this for configuration purposes.

You can use an external Derby DB too.

Hope this was helpful.

Afaik DerbyDB is only supported for internal embedded non-production JDBC pools, and you need to use the common/db/bin/dbconfigurator.bat/sh script.

It is not related in any way to JDBC adapter.
