If I delete the HTMLBasedGUI my CAI Projects stop working.
After deleting the HTMLBasedGUI directory (I don’t want to deploy it to a customer) the first request to a CAI ‘page’ ends with a 404,
HTTP Status 404 - /PROJEKTNAME/HTMLBasedGUI/general/aboutBlank.html
not found.
With HTMLBasedGUI directory everything works fine.
Can CAI Projects only be deployed with the Development environment?
…took some time to answer, but nevertheless:
HTMLBasedGUI is required - but not every part. There is an ANT-script avaiable for building the runtime WAR - including HTMLBasedGUI but excluding all parts that have to do with the design tools.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Example ANT script for building a .war file.
<project name="Build WAR file for project" default="buildwar">
<!-- Project description -->
<description>Build war file for project</description>
<!-- Property definitions -->
<property name="webapp.dir" value="C:\bmu\testv14\tomcat\webapps\cis"/> <!-- location of the development webapp -->
<property name="tomcat.dir" value="C:\bmu\DevTools\Tomcat"/> <!-- tomcat installation -->
<property name="project.name" value="cisdataaccess"/> <!-- name of the project within CAI -->
<property name="copy.dir" value="c:/temp/buildwarbyant"/> <!-- directory that is used for temp copying -->
<property name="war.name" value="test.war"/> <!-- name of war file -->
<!-- Property definitions, properties taht are resolved -->
<property name="project.dir" value="${webapp.dir}/${project.name}"/>
<!-- path definitions -->
<path id="run.classpath">
<fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
<include name="**/**.jar"/>
<!-- Republishing of HTML files in project -->
<target name="generatehtml" description="Regenerate HTML files of project">
<mkdir dir="${project.dir}/log"/>
<java classname="com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate.HTMLGeneratorWholeDirectory" classpathref="run.classpath">
<sysproperty key="cis.home" value="${webapp.dir}/"/>
<sysproperty key="javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory" value="org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl"/>
<arg value="${project.dir}/xml"/>
<arg value="${project.dir}"/>
<arg value="${project.dir}/log"/>
<arg value="${project.dir}/accesspath"/>
<!-- copy files into copy.dir -->
<target name="copyfiles" depends="generatehtml" description="Copy Files">
<delete failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${copy.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${copy.dir}"/>
<!-- copy required directories -->
<copy todir="${copy.dir}/cis"><fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/cis"/></copy>
<copy todir="${copy.dir}/META-INF"><fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/META-INF"/></copy>
<copy todir="${copy.dir}/WEB-INF"><fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF"/></copy>
<copy todir="${copy.dir}/HTMLBasedGUI">
<fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/HTMLBasedGUI"
excludes="**/*com.softwareag.cis.editor*"/> <!-- no tools -->
<!-- copy project directory -->
<copy todir="${copy.dir}/${project.name}"><fileset dir="${webapp.dir}/${project.name}"/></copy>
<!-- build war file -->
<target name="buildwar" depends="copyfiles" description="Build WAR file">
<jar destfile="${war.name}" basedir="${copy.dir}">
It is excellent to have such a script. Nevertheless, I have some questions:
Is it still valid, as of 2.1?
Is it actively maintained?
Couldn’t we add this to the distribution? Or place it on another location where it it possible to watch the maintenance?