I have a project where I would need to achieve automation using Deployer. I would need to have a script that has the project build in it. So that way when that script is ran, the project build is deployed on another server and the changes will take place. I see there is an option to export the project to project automator in a form of a XML. How could we use this to wrap it in a script so that it can be ran to deploy on different server?
With using Project Automator, would there be a way to specify different servers? For example, if I was to export the project automator and a user wants to automate this project on different servers. Is there a way to ask for user input for identifying those servers?
Looks like there is no option for passing inputs with server name while invoking the Project Automator. I guess you have to create individual XML for your servers and invoke them based on what server you want to deploy. That way we are invoking PA for whichever server we need rather than running on all servers by having in one single XML.
There might be someone who would have tried what you are asking, let us wait and hear from them too. If not then I would go with above approach and see if that helps.