Deploy of a WebService with wrong address location

Hi everyone:
I’m new in this forum, and besides to greet all of you members, I would like to post this as my first question: I’ve just deployed a WebService into a Java System Application Server, but when obtaining the WSDL of this WS, in the soap:addres location I obtain a wrong address, instead of: http://mydomain:port/myservice, I get everytime a http://localhost.localdomain:port/myservice. The JSAS, places this “localhost.localdomain” address and when trying to access it from a WebClient I get an error. I know that I can change the class of my client, but would like to obtain the correct address from the WS. What can I do to change it?
Thanks in advance for your response.

Welcome to wMUsers!

Not sure that this webMethods discussion forum is the best place for a question about how to generate a WSDL from JSAS.

I would think that JSAS is picking up its host name from some server-level configuration parameter, most likely set at installation time and configured in either an admin tool or an XML config file. Of course, that’s just a guess.
