Problem Environment: Tamino 4119, S1AS7, Win2K Professional.
I have successfully deployed the example CounterBeans.ear from TaminoAPI4J\lib directory under S1AS7 but I get a strange error when deploying the AccountExample.ear. I get:
Deployment Error – Error while running ejbc – Fatal Error from EJB Compiler – – rmic compilation failed: com.iplanet.ias.ejb.codegen.JavaCompilerException: RMI compiler returned an error: {0}
Does anyone have any ideas? I have loaded an Account schema in a collection called Account and I have also updated the ra.xml files in the two resource archives and deployed those. I tried to look on google but this drew a blank.
Best regards,
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.
[This message was edited by Stuart Fyffe-Collins on 15 Apr 2003 at 17:05.]
There is a ejbc compiler error when deploying the Account.ear example into the EJB Container
of the SunONE Application server 7.0. A fix is available.
Please contact me to get it.
Unfortunately the Account example does not work properly.
In a LocalTransaction scenario The SunOne Application server does not return a
connection handle to the same resource manager using the same ManagedConnection
instance to components within the same transaction scope.
The problem is investigatet by Sun:
Bug 4818853 = Escalation 544148 = Server does not use same ManagedConnection
Bug 4825526 = Escalation 544480 = forceDestroyBean exception when connect
A fix is not yet available.
You’ll find this note in the next readme of Tamino 4.1.2
Best regards
Josef Haiduk
Hi Josef,
Thanks for supplying the rmic_477752.jar. After modifying the domain1/server1/config/server.xml to include as the first entry in the server-classpath I still get the same error. It sounds to me though there are other problems with S1AS7 which means the example isn’t going to work anyway. If you have any other ideas why the deployment doesn’t work please let me know, but don’t worry too much about it. What I am going to do next is have a play with the Sun J2EE 1.3 appserver.
Thanks for you help.
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.