I would like deleted all document in my collection.
I had to use http://host/tamino/base/collection?_delete=*
But i had the message :
<ino:messagetext ino:code=“INOXYE9493”>Transaction aborted because journal space was too small</ino:messagetext>
Yet, I would like to undefine and define my collection with HTTP.
Can you give me good the URL has to use.
Thank you in advance
If you have a very large quantity of documents in a collection, then using _delete will take time and could exceed the transaction timeout limit. This is a property in the Tamino Manager which can be set dynamically.
But the quickest way to delete all the document and undefine the schema is to use:
hope this helps.
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.
Thank you, Ok for undefine the collection but what is the URL for define the collection ?
Thank you in advance
The URL is http://host/tamino/base?_define=schema
where schema is the schema document not the URL or filename of the schema. I would recommend using the Tamino Interactive Interface to do these tasks.
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.
Thank .
But I must define my collection by batch. I can’t use the Tamino Interactive Interface.
I found the solution :
java -classpath $INODIR/$INOVERS/X_Tools/Tamino_Load/xerces.jar:$INODIR/$INOVERS/X_Tools/Tamino_Load/JavaLoader.jar com.softwareag.tamino.db.tools.loader.TaminoLoad -u URL od the database -define -f path+file.TSD